In April 2022, the BBC refreshed their on-air presentation for their main channel, BBC One, with the new “Lens” idents. These idents feature a modern, minimalist design, taking ideas from their previous "Oneness" theme to represent the lives of everyday people in line with the BBC's slogan, “This is our BBC”.
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The BBC’s most recent redesign of their on-air presentation for their flagship channel BBC One, known as their “Lens idents” are focussed around a central circle shape which acts as a “lens”, viewing the same location but with different things happening at different times of the day.
The content of the "Lens" idents is focused on capturing "British life through multiple lenses". Each ident features a different community space and activity. Some examples include "Warehouse Skateboarding", "Rave", "Drawing", "Hall Trampoline", "Showtime", and "NCT". These idents showcase a variety of activities and events taking place in different community spaces.
The idents were created by the creative agency “ManvsMachine” and BBC Creative. They are captured using a high-tech camera crane and dolly kit allowing for smooth movement in a circular motion which can be repeated multiple times thanks to automation software. This allows the images of different scenes to be layered on top of each other in a video-editing software with a circle mask applied to create the rotating “lens” effect. The circle motif was most likely chosen for several reasons including its resemblance of the letter “O” in the channel name “BBC ONE” and also because it pays homage to the BBC’s previous idents since the 1960s, including the globe, balloon and circle idents.
The mood of the idents is generally lively and dynamic with the movement of the “lens” creating a sense of fluidity which could be interpreted to show that the BBC and Britain is constantly changing to keep with the times. The mood of the idents is enhanced by music and sound design produced by the sound design company “Resonate”.