Born in Finland, Christoffer Relander is an artist and photographer. His double exposures from his “We Are Nature” collection mix human figures and nature. His works have featured at several exhibitions in Finland, Russia, Norway, Spain, Portugal and the United States. He draws inspiration from the works of Charles Swedlund, Harry Callahan and Man Ray. His pieces have also featured in several mainstream publications, including: The Huffington Post, Wired and VICE just to name a few.
Artist Examples
Artist Analysis
Christoffer Relander is a Finnish Photographer who creates portraits that are mixed with nature. He double exposes images of heads, faces and hands with images of moss and branches. His images are quite abstract whilst retaining some sense of reality as they are images observed directly of people and nature.
The works are very strikingly laid out, in that the subject is central and surrounded by a beige/white colour which draws the eye to the subject. The subject itself is monochrome which serves to highlight the various textures and contours of both the person and the natural snapshot which is double exposed with it.
These images were created using digital compositing in a program such as Photoshop through using different blending methods and tools and some were produced in-camera using advanced techniques.
The images were created to show how the human experience is intrinsically linked to nature and that we as the species with the power to protect nature need to do so. The images are very provocative and complex, however they are also very soothing because of their neutral, black and white tones
Artist Experiments
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